Together we Pray

Dear God,


We pray for peace and stability in Ukraine and around the world. We ask you to protect the innocent lives that are threatened by war and violence. We pray that you would guide the leaders of nations to seek dialogue and diplomacy instead of aggression and conflict.


We pray for your mercy and healing for those who are suffering from natural disasters, such as dust storms, earthquakes, and blizzards. We ask you to provide them with shelter, food, water, and comfort. We pray that you would inspire people to help each other in times of need.


We pray for your wisdom and justice for those who are facing social and economic challenges, such as student debt, racial inequality, health care access, and environmental issues. We ask you to empower them with courage, hope, and resilience. We pray that you would inspire people to work together for positive change.


We thank you for your grace and love for us. We thank you for the gift of life and the opportunity to learn from each other. We thank you for the beauty of your creation and the diversity of your people.


We ask all these things in Jesus' name,



Benefits of Secular Franciscan Formation

Benefits of Secular Franciscan Formation

The benefits of Secular Franciscan Formation are numerous. The formation process helps individuals deepen their spiritual life, grow in community, and better understand their role in the Church and the world. Here are some of the benefits of Secular Franciscan Formation:

Spiritual Growth

Secular Franciscan Formation provides individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to deepen their spiritual life. It helps individuals grow in their relationship with God and better understand their vocation as Secular people. The formation process includes spiritual practices, such as prayer, reflection, and study, that foster spiritual growth and help individuals live a Franciscan way of life.


Secular Franciscan Formation is a communal process that helps individuals grow in community. It provides opportunities for individuals to connect with others who share the same values and beliefs. The formation process encourages individuals to participate in Franciscan community life, engage in service, and work towards building a better world.

Role in the Church and the World

Secular Franciscan's serve an important role in the Church and the world. The formation process helps individuals better understand their role and mission as Secular people. It provides the knowledge and tools necessary to carry out the mission of the Franciscan Order and to work towards building a more just and peaceful world.

Challenges of Secular Franciscan Formation

While Secular Franciscan Formation provides numerous benefits, it also presents challenges. The formation process requires a significant commitment of time and energy. It involves engaging in spiritual practices, studying the Franciscan charism, and participating in community life. It may also require individuals to make changes in their personal and professional lives to better align with the Franciscan way of life.

Another challenge of Secular Franciscan Formation is discernment. The formation process is a time of discernment, during which individuals must discern whether they are called to be Secular Franciscans. This can be a difficult and challenging process that requires individuals to reflect deeply on their values, beliefs, and vocation.

Resources for Overcoming Challenges

There are several resources available to help individuals overcome the challenges of Secular Franciscan Formation. These resources include:

  • Spiritual Directors: Spiritual directors can provide guidance and support during the discernment process and throughout the formation process.

  • Community Life: Engaging in Franciscan community life can provide individuals with the support and encouragement they need to overcome challenges.

  • Formation Programs: Formation programs provide individuals with the knowledge and tools necessary to overcome challenges and successfully complete the formation process.


Secular Franciscan Formation in 2023 is an important process that prepares individuals to live a Franciscan way of life as Secular people. The formation process provides numerous benefits, including spiritual growth, community, and a deeper understanding of one's role in the Church and the world. While the formation process presents challenges, there are resources available to help individuals overcome these challenges and successfully complete the formation process.

Wishing you peace

Mike Carsten OFS

Secular Franciscan Formation in 2023:

Secular Franciscan Formation in 2023:

To many individuals and groups. As experts in SEO and copywriting, we have created this comprehensive guide to assist you in your search for knowledge about the formation of Secular Franciscans in 2023.

What is Secular Franciscan Formation?

Secular Franciscan Formation is a process that prepares individuals to live a Franciscan way of life as Secular people. The formation process encompasses spiritual, intellectual, and practical aspects of the Franciscan life. It is a process of growth that leads to the development of a deeper relationship with God and a more profound understanding of the Franciscan charism.

Why is Secular Franciscan Formation Important?

Secular Franciscan Formation is essential because it helps individuals develop a deep sense of spirituality and community. It provides the knowledge and tools necessary to live a Franciscan way of life and to carry out the mission of the Franciscan Order. Secular Franciscans a key role in the Church and the world, and formation is the first step towards fulfilling that role.

The Formation Process

The formation process for Secular Franciscans in 2023 varies depending on the group or organization. However, the process typically includes three stages: Orientation, Candidacy, and Profession.


The Orientation stage is the first step in the formation process. It is a period of discernment during which individuals learn about the Franciscan charism and way of life. It is a time to evaluate whether the individual is called to be a Secular Franciscan and to explore the requirements and expectations of the formation process.


The Candidacy stage is the second step in the formation process. During this stage, individuals continue their spiritual, intellectual, and practical formation. They participate in Franciscan community life and ministries, study the Franciscan charism, and engage in ongoing discernment. The length of the Candidacy stage varies but typically lasts one to three years.


The Profession stage is the final step in the formation process. During this stage, individuals publicly profess their commitment to living a Franciscan way of life. They make promises to follow the Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order and to live according to the Gospel. After Profession, individuals continue their ongoing formation as part of the Franciscan community.

Resources for Secular Franciscan Formation in 2023

There are several resources available for those seeking Secular Franciscan Formation in 2023. Here are a few:

  • The National Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order in the United States provides resources for individuals seeking to become Secular Franciscans.

  • The Franciscan Friars of the Third Order Regular offer formation programs for individuals interested in the Franciscan way of life.

  • The Franciscan Family Apostolate provides information and resources for Secular Franciscans and those interested in the Franciscan way of life.


Secular Franciscan Formation in 2023 is an important process that prepares individuals to live a Franciscan way of life as Secular people. The formation process is a journey of growth that leads to a deeper relationship with God and a more profound understanding of the Franciscan charism. We hope that this guide has provided you with the knowledge and resources you need to pursue Secular Franciscan Formation

Wishing you peace

Mike Carsten OFS

A Franciscan Response to Political Division

A Franciscan Response to Political Division

In a world filled with political division, it can be easy to lose sight of what truly matters - compassion, kindness, and love for our fellow human beings. The Franciscan tradition offers a response to political division that is rooted in these values, and encourages us to look beyond our differences and see the common humanity in all people.

The Importance of Compassion in the Franciscan Tradition

The Franciscan tradition is rooted in a deep appreciation for the inherent dignity of all people, and a belief that we are all called to care for one another. This compassionate approach to life is at the heart of the Franciscan response to political division, and is a key aspect of what sets the Franciscan tradition apart from other religious and spiritual traditions.

Embracing Diversity in the Franciscan Tradition

The Franciscan tradition recognizes the inherent worth of all people, regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion, or political beliefs. This appreciation for diversity is central to the Franciscan response to political division, and is what allows Franciscans to see beyond their differences and find common ground with people from all walks of life.

Building Bridges with Love and Understanding

One of the key ways that Franciscans respond to political division is by building bridges of love and understanding between people who may seem vastly different. This is achieved through dialogue and by working together to find common solutions to the challenges we all face. Franciscans understand that the only way to overcome division is by coming together as one, and by working to build a world in which everyone is respected and valued.

The Power of Forgiveness in the Franciscan Tradition

Forgiveness is a powerful tool in the Franciscan response to political division, as it allows us to release the anger and bitterness that can drive us apart. Franciscans believe that we can all be agents of change in the world, and that by forgiving one another we can help to create a world that is more just and peaceful.

A Journey Towards Unity

The Franciscan response to political division is not a quick fix, but a lifelong journey towards greater unity and understanding. By embracing compassion, diversity, and forgiveness, Franciscans can help to heal the wounds caused by political division, and work towards a world in which all people are valued and respected.


The Franciscan tradition offers a powerful response to political division, one that is rooted in compassion, love, and understanding. By embracing these values and working towards a world in which all people are respected and valued, Franciscans can help to heal the wounds caused by division and work towards a more just and peaceful world for all.


  1. What is the Franciscan tradition?

The Franciscan tradition is a religious and spiritual tradition that is centered on the values of compassion, kindness, and love for all people. This tradition is rooted in the life and teachings of St. Francis of Assisi, who lived in the 13th century.

  1. What is the Franciscan response to political division?

The Franciscan response to political division is rooted in compassion, diversity, and forgiveness. Franciscans believe that we can all be agents of change in the world, and that by embracing these values we can help to create a more just and peaceful world for all.

  1. How does the Franciscan tradition embrace diversity?

The Franciscan tradition recognizes the inherent worth of all people, regardless of their race, ethnicity, religion, or political beliefs. This appreciation for diversity is central to the Franciscan response

       Wishing you Peace.

Mike Carsten OFS                                

The Importance of Elections in the Secular Franciscan Order

The Importance of Elections in the Secular Franciscan Order 

Elections play a crucial role in the governance and leadership of the Secular Franciscan Order. Members of the Secular Franciscan Order are encouraged to participate in the democratic process of elections and to use their voice to shape the direction and mission of the community. 

Elections for the leadership of the Secular Franciscan Order are typically held every few years and are open to all members of the community. During these elections, members are asked to vote for the individuals they believe will best serve the needs of the community and help to advance its mission. 

The Election Process in the Secular Franciscan Order 

The election process in the Secular Franciscan Order is designed to be transparent, fair, and democratic. Members are encouraged to nominate individuals they believe would make good leaders, and the nominees are then considered by the community. 

Once the nominees have been selected, members are given the opportunity to cast their votes and choose the individuals they believe would best serve the needs of the community. The election process is overseen by an independent committee to ensure that it is conducted fairly and that the results accurately reflect the will of the members. 

The Responsibilities of the Elected Leaders in the Secular Franciscan Order 

The elected leaders of the Secular Franciscan Order have several important responsibilities. These include setting the direction and priorities of the community, overseeing its financial and administrative needs, and ensuring that its mission and values are upheld. 

The elected leaders also play a key role in representing the Secular Franciscan Order to the wider Church and society and are responsible for advocating for its values and mission. Additionally, the elected leaders are responsible for providing guidance and support to the members of the community, and for promoting the spiritual growth and development of the Secular Franciscan Order. 


Elections are an important part of the governance and leadership of the Secular Franciscan Order. They provide an opportunity for members to have a voice in shaping the direction and mission of the community, and to choose the individuals they believe will best serve the needs of the community. The election process is conducted fairly and transparently, and the elected leaders have several important responsibilities, including setting the direction of the community and advocating for its values and mission. 

A Journey into the Heart of the Secular Franciscan Order


The Secular Franciscan Order, also known as the Third Order of St. Francis of Assisi, is a community of lay people who live in the world and are dedicated to following the example of St. Francis of Assisi. The Secular Franciscan Order was founded in the 13th century and has a rich history of spiritual growth and service to the Church and society. The members of the Secular Franciscan Order are united by their common commitment to living a life of simplicity, peace and love in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi.

The Origins of the Secular Franciscan Order

The Secular Franciscan Order has its roots in the life and teachings of St. Francis of Assisi, who lived in the 13th century. St. Francis was known for his love of God, his love for all creatures and his deep respect for all of God's creation. He taught his followers to live a life of poverty, simplicity and humility, and to seek God in all things.

In the early years of the Franciscan movement, many lay people were drawn to the example of St. Francis and sought to live a similar life in the world. These lay people formed communities and lived together in poverty and simplicity, following the example of St. Francis. Over time, these communities evolved into the Secular Franciscan Order, which has been an important part of the Catholic Church for over 700 years.

The Spiritual Beliefs of the Secular Franciscan Order

The Secular Franciscan Order is based on the teachings of St. Francis of Assisi and the Catholic Church. The members of the Secular Franciscan Order believe in the importance of living a life of simplicity, peace and love, and seek to follow the example of St. Francis in all aspects of their lives.

The Secular Franciscan Order also emphasizes the importance of prayer and contemplation, and encourages its members to deepen their relationship with God through regular prayer, spiritual reading and other spiritual practices. Additionally, the Secular Franciscan Order is committed to working for peace, justice and the protection of God's creation, and encourages its members to be active in promoting these values in their communities.

The Role of the Secular Franciscan Order in the Catholic Church

The Secular Franciscan Order is an important part of the Catholic Church and plays a vital role in the spiritual and social life of the Church. The Secular Franciscan Order is recognized by the Church as a form of consecrated life, and its members are considered to be lay people who live in the world and are dedicated to following the example of St. Francis of Assisi.

The Secular Franciscan Order is governed by a set of rules and regulations, and is led by elected leaders who are responsible for the spiritual and practical needs of the community. Additionally, the Secular Franciscan Order is involved in many important projects and initiatives, including efforts to promote peace, justice and the protection of God's creation, and to assist the poor and marginalized in society.

Becoming a Member of the Secular Franciscan Order

Becoming a member of the Secular Franciscan Order is a serious commitment and requires a deep commitment to living a life of simplicity, peace and love in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi.

Quinquennial Kicks Off in Phoenix

Secular Franciscan Order - USA

Quinquennial Kicks Off in Phoenix

Sharon Winzeler

Aug 4

The 20th OFS-USA Quinquennial Congress began with a welcome dinner Wednesday night at the downtown Sheraton in Phoenix, AZ.  Mass followed in the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary just two blocks from the hotel.

More than 600 Secular Franciscans are on hand for the event.

Thursday's keynote featured Fr. David Couturier, OFM Cap., who spoke on "Called to Build a More Fraternal and Evangelical World:  Secular Franciscans as a Community of Care and Moral Transformation."

You can watch a videotape of his talk.