OFS General Constitutions Article 17

Rule 6  Called to work together in building up the Church as the sacrament of salvation for all and, through their baptism and profession, made "witnesses and instruments of her mission," Secular Franciscans proclaim Christ by their life and words.  Their preferred apostolate is personal witness[1] in the environment in which they live and service for building up the Kingdom of God within the situations of this world. 

[1]    See Rule 1221, 17,3; Legend of the Three Companions 36; Second Letter to All the Faithful 53.



Our Fraternity's Presence in the World

Coats and Caps for Kids - Working with Franciscan Ministries Inc.  serving children in the area.

 Hospitality Ministry @ St. Charles Borromeo Detroit - - Serving Lunch for the local Community

Franciscan Ministries Inc. - Founded and led by sisters and brothers of the OFS, Franciscan Ministries Inc. daily serves the needs of the mentally ill, homeless and the poorest of the poor in Southeast Michigan and beyond.

St. Vincent de Paul - Serving the poor in the local community

Solanus Casey Center - Serving the community as Docent's

Pax Christi produced original video series on the seven principals of Catholic Social Teachings. http://www.paxchristi.com/cst
A reflection from Meghan J. Clark of St. John's University on the Old and New Testament roots of Catholic social teaching.
In annual speech to diplomats, Pope Francis speaks about the importance of respecting human dignity.