Franciscan Centenary

In the embrace of time's flowing river,

A momentous milestone draws near,

Eight centuries of Franciscan endeavor,

A legacy cherished, crystal clear.

Centenaries, a celebration profound,

Gazing beyond the horizon's crest,

To strengthen our Franciscan ground,

And nurture our charism, blessed.

St. Francis, the Divine's chosen one,

Received a gift, pure and rare,


communion spun,

Radiating love, beyond compare.

Those who adore the Lord's embrace,

With hearts aflame, burning bright,

Invited to join in this sacred space,

Honoring the Poverello' s holy light.

Laudato si' echoes the Franciscan call,

To witness the beauty of the Gospel's tune,

Through creation's embrace, we stand tall,

Uniting hearts under a celestial moon.

A prophetic vision, we dare to dream,

Rekindling the fire that burns within,

A future bathed in love's sacred gleam,

Igniting souls, releasing the din.

A tapestry woven, the Franciscan Family,

With colors vibrant, diverse and true,

Let all activities and initiatives be,

Coordinated, as one, through and through.

A commission, representing the whole,

Shall guide and inspire with utmost care,

Ensuring our unity, an enchanting role,

Visible, united, a Franciscan prayer.

So let us gather, hand in hand,

In this jubilant journey, forever bound,

800 years, a story we expand,

A celebration resounding, profound.

May the spirit of St. Francis guide our way,

As we honor the past and the future we seek,

With love and joy, we humbly pray,

For the Franciscan Family, strong and meek.

Kathleen Carsten, OFS