From Gospel to Life and Life to the Gospel

As a Secular Franciscan

I believe that one of the essential aspects of our spiritual journey is to live out the Gospel message in our daily lives. It is not enough to merely read and study the teachings of Christ; we must also put them into practice through our actions and interactions with others. This article will explore the importance of going from "Gospel to Life and Life to the Gospel." and how we can cultivate a deeper relationship with God through this practice.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. Understanding the Gospel

  3. The Need to Live Out the Gospel

  4. Going from Gospel to Life

    • Embodying Gospel Values

    • Practicing Charity and Service

    • Living a Simple Life

  5. Life Back to the Gospel

    • Reflecting on Our Lives

    • Reconnecting with Christ

    • Renewing Our Commitment to the Gospel

  6. The Importance of Community

  7. Embracing Our Call as Secular Franciscans

  8. Conclusion

  9. FAQs


The Gospel is the foundation of our faith as Christians. It is the message of hope, love, and salvation that Christ brought to the world through His life, death, and resurrection. We must understand the Gospel intellectually and live it out daily. As Secular Franciscans, we follow in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi, who embraced poverty, simplicity, and humility to imitate Christ.

Understanding the Gospel

To go from Gospel to life and life to the Gospel, we must first understand what the Gospel is and what it teaches us. The Gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ came to us because of love, and in and through this profound love to give us eternal life with God. It is a message of love, mercy, and forgiveness that invites us to follow Christ and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

The Gospel is not just a set of beliefs or doctrines; it is a way of life that transforms us from the inside out. It challenges us to live according to the values of the Living Word of God, which is often at odds with the world's values. To understand the Gospel, we must be willing to study it, reflect on it, and apply it to our lives.

The Need to Live Out the Gospel

As Secular Franciscans, we are called to live out the Gospel daily. This means we must put our faith into action by serving others, practicing charity, and living a simple life. It also means that we must be willing to make sacrifices for the sake of the Gospel and to embrace the values of the Kingdom of God.

Living out the Gospel is not always easy, especially in a world that often values wealth, power, and success over love, mercy, and justice. It requires us to be counter-cultural and to challenge the status quo. But it is also enriching, as it allows us to experience the joy and peace that come from living a life of service and love.

Going from Gospel to Life

To embody the values of the Gospel, we must first understand what they are. The Gospel teaches us to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

Going from Gospel to life means embodying the values of the Gospel in our daily lives. It means living as Christ did, with humility, compassion, and love. Here are three ways that we can go from Gospel to life:

  • Embodying Gospel Values

We must put God first and seek to love others as we love ourselves. We must also be willing to forgive those who wronged us, show mercy to those in need, and seek justice for the oppressed.    

  • Practicing Charity and Service

Practicing charity and service means being willing to serve others in need. This can take many forms, such as volunteering at a homeless shelter to helping a neighbor in need. As Secular Franciscans, we are called to see Christ in those we serve and to offer them our love and compassion.

  • Living a Simple Life

Living a simple life means embracing a lifestyle of poverty, humility, and simplicity. It means being willing to let go of our attachment to material possessions and live more in line with the values of the Gospel. This can be challenging but incredibly rewarding, allowing us to focus on what truly matters.

Life Back to the Gospel

Going from life back to the Gospel means reflecting on our lives and renewing our commitment to Christ. It means taking time to examine our actions and attitudes and to discern how we can better embody the values of the Gospel in our daily lives. Here are three ways that we can go from life back to the Gospel:

  • Reflecting on Our Lives

To go from life back to the Gospel, we must first take time to reflect on our lives. This means examining our thoughts, feelings, and actions and discerning where we may fall short in our commitment to Christ. It also means praying and seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit.

  • Reconnecting with Christ

Reconnecting with Christ means renewing our relationship through prayer, study, and reflection. It means taking time to read the Bible, meditate on the teachings of Christ, and seek guidance from the Holy Spirit. It also means participating in the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, which is the source and summit of our faith.

  • Renewing Our Commitment to the Gospel

Renewing our commitment to the Gospel means recommitting ourselves to living out the values of the Gospel in our daily lives. It means consciously loving God and our neighbor more fully, serving others in need, and living a simple and humble life.

The Importance of Community

As Lay Franciscans, we recognize the importance of community in our spiritual journey. We are called to live in a community with others who share our commitment to the Gospel and to support one another on our journey. This means participating in community prayer and worship, sharing our experiences and struggles, and offering one another our love and support.

Embracing Our Call as Secular Franciscans

Finally, we must embrace our call as Secular Franciscans and seek to live out the Gospel message daily. This means consciously embodying the Gospel's values, serving others in need, and living a life of simplicity and humility. It also means sharing our faith with others and inviting them to join us on this journey.


In conclusion, going from Gospel to life and back again is essential to our spiritual journey as Secular Franciscans. It requires us to not only understand the teachings of Christ intellectually but also to live them out in our daily lives. By embodying the values of the Gospel, practicing charity and service, and living a simple life, we can go from Gospel to life. And by reflecting on our lives, reconnecting with Christ, and renewing our commitment to the Gospel, we can go from life back to the Gospel. Through this practice, we can cultivate a deeper relationship with God and experience the joy and peace that come from living a life of service and love.


  1. What does it mean to go from Gospel to life and life to the Gospel?

Going from Gospel to life and life to the Gospel means living out the teachings of Christ in our daily lives and then reflecting on our actions and attitudes to discern how we can better embody the values of the Gospel.

  • Why is it essential to live out the Gospel in our daily lives?

Living out the Gospel is essential because it allows us to embody the values of the Kingdom of God and to experience the joy and peace that come from living a life of service and love.

  • How can we practice charity and service in our daily lives?

We can practice charity and service daily by serving others in need and offering them our love and compassion.

  • Why is community important in our spiritual journey?

Community is essential in our spiritual journey because it allows us to support one another and share our experiences and struggles.

  • How can we embrace our call as Secular Franciscans?

We can embrace our call as Secular Franciscans by consciously living out the Gospel's values, serving others in need, and living a life of simplicity and humility. We can also share our faith with others and invite them to join us on this journey.